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Laura was in survival mode and healing from a traumatic upbringing for most of her life. After the death of her father in 2016, Laura focused on bringing attention to mental health and people experiencing addiction and homelessness.


It wasn't until 2018 when Laura lost a friend to mental health that she decided to find a balance in community work and personal expression. From burnt out Child and Youth Worker to Artist and Activist.

Through art, community, and humour Laura helps others thrive in the overwhelming space between fear and self-actualization.

Her work is a reflection of that journey inwards.

Who is Laura?

Laura Hesp Artist Portrait
Laura Hesp Artist Portrait
Laura Hesp Artist Portrait

Artist Statement:

“After decades of abusing myself to become the 'perfect' woman, I explanted and began the journey back to self.


Painting real human bodies reminds both the muse and I that our rawest selves are a complete work of art on their own.

It's an honour to hold space for that experience."

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